In order to receive assistance from The Good Samaritan Ministries of Franklin County, clients must:
Provide proof of residency in Franklin County, Tennessee by presenting a photo ID with the applicant's current address, a lease, a utility bill or other mail sent to the applicant at a Franklin County address, etc.
Present a photo ID (for example, a driver's license or other state-issued form of identification).
Meet our income eligibility guidelines. We utilize the United States Federal Poverty Guidelines as provided by the United States Census Bureau in making income eligibility decisions. Currently, households with an income below $11,800 for a single-person household, and $4,160 of income for each additional person in the household, are considered to fall below the federal poverty level and are thus eligible to receive assistance from us. However, we take exceptional circumstances into account (e.g., unforeseen medical expenses) when reviewing a client's application.
Complete an application (or update an existing application, as required) in person at our building at 1725 Decherd Boulevard, Decherd, Tennessee.
Provide other documentation as required.
Our assistance is household-based. Only one applicant per household or address will be eligible to receive assistance.
In most cases, a client's application is processed upon completion and a client is eligible to receive assistance immediately.
Clients agree to abide by all requirements of The Good Samaritan Ministries.
Any sale of food, clothing or other articles by clients as well as other fraudulent reception of assistance may result in the termination of a client's eligibility to receive future services.